Vineyard in Arad with 115 ha| EFG-13136
ID: 13136/1025257
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
+49 171 383 2003
Viniculture Târnava for sale Romania | Rumänien Weingut zu verkaufen
Viniculture for sale
€ 1,590,000 (≈ US$ 1,722,000)
RO-317364 Târnava
Arad, Romania
€ 1,590,000 (≈

Frei /
Available according to agreement
Living space3,229.17 sqft
Property284.17 acre
The winery in Arad has an area of 115 ha of land and includes:- 78.38 ha paid with vineyard registered in RPV with GI designation
- 14 ha planted with vines not included in the RPV but may be
- 4 acres of urban land (we grouped several CFs and changed the destination of the land to be able to build the winery)
- 20 ha of pastures, meadows, non-productive land and forest
40 min from Arad andapprox. 1 hour to the Hungarian border
at the foot of the Zărandu Mountains
Currently, approx. 300 m² of outbuildings are being built on the property, including:- 200 m² warehouse for plant protection products, workshop, photovoltaic system, water pump system, etc.
- 60 m² living space for workers, equipped with a gas boiler for hot water and heating; with kitchen, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms.
- 40 m² storage area for wine and wine products
For utilities we are equipped with:
- We have a 10KW photovoltaic system and an automatic generator that supports electricity production when there is a lack of sun
- Fountain with automatic pumping system
- LPG system for the production of heat and hot water
For the care and cultivation of the vine we have:
- 4 tractors (Samme Dorado 104 100hp, Samme Fruteto 2 90hp, NewHoland TN70F 70hp, Landini Rex 90 90hp
- 2 shredders for plant residues from vines and grass
- 1 fertilizer spreader
- 2 lawn mowers
- 6 pumps for spraying the vines
- 2 pumps for vine weed killer
- 1 dozer blade for road and property maintenance
- 1 NewHoland SB 58 harvester
- 2 auger trailers for the 2 t harvest
- 1 universal trailer 4 t
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