Canavieiras B & B Boutiquehotel for sale - 13145-E
ID: 13145-D/1093866
Beach Hotel Canavieiras for sale Brazil | Canavieiras Kauf Pousada B & B am Meer
Beach Hotel for sale
€ 550,000 (≈ US$ 596,000)
BR-45860000 Canavieiras
Bahia, Brazil
Contact owner
€ 550,000 (≈
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer

Frei /
Available according to agreement

Seating guest rooms30
Living space1,291.67 sqft
Property0.91 acre
catering area1,614.59 sqft
Usable area4,843 sqft

Extras Commercial

Real Estate Brazil Bahia Canavieiras B & B Boutique hotel for sale.The hotel complex was built in 2014 by a Swiss expatriate family with the concept of sustainability. The 5 bungalows offer an idyllic ambience, in perfect harmony with nature, directly on the white sandy beach. Since its opening in 2015, the hotel and restaurant have been managed by the Swiss, and the lovingly landscaped garden on the entire property offers plenty of shade and typical plants and flowers from the region. The secluded beach is right in front of the property and our restaurant offers space for up to 30 guests. We only use local produce, mainly from farmers and the weekly markets in Canavieiras. The modern kitchen work area is equipped with a spacious granite cooking island including two hobs, two large sinks, two freezers, two fridges and a pantry.
#MicrorregiãodeIlhéus-Itabuna #MesorregiãodoSulBaiano #RegiãoNordeste
The center of Canavieiras, a town of about 33,000 inhabitants, is 5 minutes from the complex and offers many shopping and restaurant options. The town is one of the world's best deep-sea fishing hotspots, which attracts many amateur fishermen. The nearest airport, Ilhéus, is 1.5 hours away.Distance
Shopping5 min. car
Beach164 ft
Airport90 min. car
The complex has 5 bungalows, each with 40 square meters, which are currently rented out to guests in hotel operation. All bungalows have a direct sea view, the other three have a garden view. All are equipped with a terrace, queen-size or single bed, 32" flat screen TV, air conditioning, ceiling fan, mini bar, dressing room, bathroom with outdoor shower. 70,000 liters of water and modern pump technology make the pool pleasantly refreshing at any time of day. There is also a 50 m² wooden deck to relax on, and with a living area of around 120 m² on two floors, the owner can relax at any time. The large living area on the ground floor is comfortably furnished with a eucalyptus wood staircase. The house also offers two terraces, two bathrooms, two large bedrooms and a dressing room. The house has a garage.Other
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