Battery storage power plant Ioannina for sale Greece | Battery storage power plant 49.9 MW

Battery storage power plant 49.9 MW 

ID: 1119158-BatGR-49/1119158
Battery storage power plant Ioannina for sale Greece | Batterie Speicherkraftwerk
Batterie Speicherkraftwerk
Battery storage power plant Ioannina for sale Greece | Batterie SpeicherkraftwerkBattery storage power plant Ioannina for sale Greece | QR-Code

Battery storage power plant for sale
€ 30,200,000 (≈ US$  32,713,000) basis for negotiation 
GR-45000 Ioannina
Epirus - Westmakedonien, Greece

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Property5.21 acre
Greece: Battery storage power plant 49.9 MW with 11.07% yield
#RegionalbezirkIoannina #RegionEpirus #IoanninaMunicipality
Leaflet | OSM
Purpose: Energy balancing and fast response services
Project size: 49.9 MW
BESS capacity: 118 MWh
Project connection: 150 kV
Battery technology: Lithium-ion (Li-ion battery)
Service life: 20 years
Power generation units: Nineteen (19) production units (inverters) with 2780 KVA each
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