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8x Mines Farms / Ranches
Mine Farm / Ranch . On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Mines Farms / Ranches to rent or buy.
Calcium-Tagebau-Mine in Griechenland zu verkaufenfor sale
Property 354.94 acre
Price on request.10557 Athen
/Greece -
Toskana 68 ha Farm Obst, Wald, Weiden - 1130099for sale
Property 168.03 acre
US$ 792,52856044 Pomarance
/Italy -
Farm 770 ha Agrarland Getreideanbau - ra-770hafor sale
Property 1902.67 acre
US$ 4 692 600110017 Pitesti
/Romania -
Diamanten- und Goldlagerstätte zu verkaufen - 1115931for sale
Property 37065 acre
US$ 7 000 00078550 Sinop
/Brazil -
Farmbetrieb in der Region Aysén, Patagonien, Chilefor sale
Property 6918.8 acre
US$ 8 623 5806000000 Coihaique
/Chile -
Exklusiver Farmbetrieb in der Region Aysén, PatagonienFarm / Ranch for sale
Living space 1184.03 sqft
Property 8232.75 acre
US$ 21 558 9536000186 Puerto Aysen
/ChileCommission-free -
Investitionsangebot - Quarz-Silizium-Mine in Bosnien - EfGfor sale
US$ 24 505 80071000 Sarajevo
/Bosnia-HerzegovinaCommission-free -
Goldmine mit 211 Hektar zu verkaufen - 1114449for sale
Property 521.38 acre
US$ 550 000 00078550 Sinop
8x Mine Farm/Ranch. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Athen to buy and rent Mine Farm/Ranch. Real estate, houses, flats and plots , Athen to buy and rentAre you looking for a Mine Farm / Ranch to rent or buy? On reedb.com you will find a large selection of Mines Farms / Ranches to rent or buy. Would you like to rent or sell your Mine Farm / Ranch ? You can offer your Mine Farm / Ranch for rent or purchase directly on reedb.com.