B&B right on the river - 13137
ID: 13137/1037769
Contact information:
EfG Consulting
+49 171 383 2003
+49 171 383 2003
Boarding / Hotel Garni Puerto Plata for sale Dominican Republic | Dom. Rep. Las Avispas Haus am Fluss

Boarding / Hotel Garni for sale
US$ 198,500
DO-93000 Puerto Plata
San José de Ocoa, Dominican Republic
Direktauftrag vom Eigentümer

Frei / www.efg-international.com
Available according to agreement
Guest rooms2
parking spaces4
Living space1,076.39 sqft
Property0.22 acre
catering area914.93 sqft
Usable area5,973 sqft
Dominican Republic Riverfront B&B Property For Sale Commission Free.For dropouts/emigrants, self-sufficient, nature and animal lovers etc.
On request, an online inspection with the seller - owner is possible.
#CibaoNorte #Caribe
640m altitude pleasant climate no fan or air conditioning necessaryFittings
Residential house 100 m²: Large open kitchen with living room,Bedroom, bathroom, terrace with river and mountain views
Bungalow 85 m²: 2 rooms with 2 bathrooms, kitchen
Additional area 270 m²: To expand for additional guest rooms or a residential building
2 grills for BBQ
Everything furnished
own well
approx. 100 m² outbuildings (4)
Parking in the yard for 4 cars
All fenced
Very safe place and good neighborhood all residents work
Agricultural and Ecotourism Zone
You buy this property without commission - commission-free for buyersWe process the data of our interested parties in accordance with the data protection regulations of the federal government (Data Protection Act, DSG) and the EU GDPR in accordance with Article 6 Paragraph 1 Letter b. GDPR in order to provide you with our services.
On our website www.efg-immo.com you can see our data protection declaration from Swissanwalt.ch, as well as general terms and conditions with services for buyers and sellers, newsletter, imprint, right of withdrawal, additional purchase costs and migration regulations, as well as international real estate offers.
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