Todos os anúncios imobiliários Manaus
Imóveis Internacionais
Todos os anúncios imobiliários Manaus, bens imóveis Manaus à venda e alugar
The landplot is in a privileged location in Manaus, on the Estrada do Turismo, next to the Condominio Vila
Suiça, 5 minutes from the Eduardo Gomes airport. The total area is 400,000 m², with several regions of of
native forest. It is particularly suited for larger projects, like residential condominios, but also commercial
entities, hotels and supermarkets. The front of the land is on the ...
Construction Lot Manaus: strategically located land area for residential or commercial construction
69041-010 Manaus, Brasil
98.84 acrepropriedade
US$ 10,329,706

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